How to Build the Perfect Care Package

The Ultimate Semester Care Package

Something I’ve started to do since I graduated college is send people a new semester care package. Maybe it helps me feel young or maybe it helps me relive my college days. Whatever the case, sending a care package makes me as happy as I was getting a care package in school. You can fill it with dorm essentials, school supplies, and so much more. Keep reading to see how I assemble my ideal care package. Image Map

Now that all my leading ladies have started school and received their care packages I don’t feel like I’m ruining a surprise by posting about it. Whether they read this or not I sincerely hope they loved their new semester care package and that they know they are a huge part of my life and have made such an impact on me.

Care Package

Shopping for a Semester Care Package

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I mostly care package shop when I’m doing my own personal shopping. Typically I find the items in a care package at Target or TJ Maxx. I’ll find little knick-knacks that remind me of someone and I just start keeping a box of stuff and when it gets full (or doesn’t fit anymore) I’ll send it. I try to include a “pampering” item because even though school is cool, it can get stressful. Sometimes it’s just nice to do your makeup, curl up with a cup of coffee, or take a hot shower. While a pampering item doesn’t always make it into the box a mug usually does. I try not to push my mug obsession on other people but I mean, you just can’t have enough! Maybe the care package isn’t filled with what someone always wished for, but for me, it was nice knowing someone was thinking about me.

Care Package

Care Package

If you’re looking for back to school essentials (besides coffee that is. Coffee is essential to everyday!) be sure to check out my round up post here.

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