Slumber Party

Summer Slumber Party with my Sisters

Graduation has come and gone and summer vacation is in full swing (for those who get summer vacation that is). As a reminder to myself and to my little sisters, I asked them to join me for a good old fashioned sleepover. This was no Princess Diaries level slumber party (we didn’t mattress surf, unfortunately) but simply just a way to remind them (and myself) that you don’t need to grow up too fast. Hosted in my 12 year old sisters room we did each others hair, nails and ended the night watching both The Princess Diaries and The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement. And of course, would any slumber party be complete without popcorn and candy? What’s your favorite way to stay feeling young? This is just one of mine!

Popcorn and movies
Slumber Party popcorn and candy
Slumber Party the princess diaries 1 & 2
summer sleepover

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