American Flag Ribbon

4th of July Tees

Everyone knows those Old Navy 4th of July tees (you know everyone does because they sell out as soon as they hit the shelves!) I remember a time when my grandma would buy all her grandkids Old Navy tees for the 4th. Those were the days…that I just hated those t-shirts! Maybe 15 years ago everyone else hated them too because I remember going into Old Navy in August and there still being a ton of shirts left! Maybe our American pride has grown over the past decade and a half, or maybe the graphic tees have gotten cuter. Whatever it is, I am obsessed with ‘Merica tees! Here is a roundup of my 4 favorite tees to grab before the 4th next week! As great as they are for the 4th they are also great to wear all year long to represent the good ol’ red, white, and blue!

GAP patriotic tee Old Navy patriotic tee VA Pink Sequin USA tee USA striped tank

(Click the images above to shop or click the links here: Gap Tee // Old Navy Tee // USA Sequins // USA Striped

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