
5 Things to Leave Behind in 2021

2020 was a whirlwind of a year. Many of us would agree it was kinda a Debby downer. From the pandemic, to the election, 2020 was a bust for many people. But I can’t say I was one of them. I reached the majority of my goals in 2020. And even with all it’s downs (deaths in the family, canceled plans because of covid, and a laundry list of other bad sh*t) I had a pretty spectacular year. I’ve come to the conclusion that this wasn’t because of what I did but what I’ve been able to leave behind.

Unconsciously I’ve been making changes in my life that are really for the better. These changes have been ongoing for at least 2 years and I’ve seen them come to a head this year. Why? Because even in the midst of all my crummy circumstances in 2020, I still came out saying “2020 was a great year!” Can you say the same? Try to leave behind these 5 things for a better 2021.

5 Things to Leave Behind in 2021

What To Leave Behind in the New Year

I can’t say I’ve done all of these things extraordinarily well. There are definitely a few of these that I will practice more than others this year. But being aware is the first step towards leaving things in the past. That way you can take the first steps towards a great, big, beautiful tomorrow.

Bad Attitudes

Guilty. My bad attitude of the year came from a running injury. The first few months, I was fine, I was still motivated. But after some time I really let my bad attitude towards the injury effect me. “Woe is me”, I thought. “I’ll never get back to the level I was at. I’ll never qualify”. STOP IT. Whatever your bad attitude is towards or caused by: Let. It. Go. It’s time to be your own hype man, your own optimist. I can, and I will.

Toxic Friends & Family

Who you surround yourself with matters. Stop thinking that it doesn’t. I know it can be hard to come to terms with toxic relationships. I’ve been there. From a toxic work environment, to toxic relationships, to seeing other people in them. It’s hard to let them go and move on. The longer you stay, the harder it will become. Break the cycle of toxicity and abuse this year. Tell yourself, in the end it will help me become the me I want to be.

Making Excuses

Again I’m going to use running as my example here. My alarm goes off at 6am every morning. Every Morning. Yet, I let the excuses keep me from going out and running. “It’s too cold, I’m still tired, It’s so early”. All these excuses rattle through my head. What are you making excuses for? The most popular excuses I’ve encountered this year? “I’m not qualified”, when it comes to a job. (Who cares. They can say no, but what if they say yes?) Or “They didn’t mean that”, when people say rude and inappropriate things. (Well then think before you speak. I’ve been doing it my whole life as a woman).

Putting Your Dreams on Hold

This one goes hand in hand with excuses. I love to make excuses for not taking a hold of my dreams. I’ll never qualify for Boston if I don’t stop making excuses. How can you overcome putting your dreams on hold? Make a plan. Don’t believe me? When I’m on a training plan I never make excuses to not run. Try making a plan for your dreams and watch them really come true this year.

Obsessing Over the Numbers

Whether it’s website hits (me) or obsessively counting your money, leave it. It’s unhealthy to let these things define your worth and your capability. Don’t limit yourself because of the numbers. Don’t let numbers stop you from doing what you’ve always wanted to do! Certainly I don’t want you to go into deep debt, but the right financial risk is rewarding. I may not have always wanted to take out a home loan, but ya girl is certainly starting to look into it. Do I have thousands of dollars to do that? No. Is it a good financial risk to take? Yes.

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