
Winter Date Ideas (That are Socially Distanced)

Penciling in some quality time with your significant other or friends can sometimes be difficult. The New Year tends to bring a new invigoration to work, personal goals, and hobbies. To which I say, good for you taking the time to invest in yourself! (Minus the whole work thing. Don’t let your job define you). With all the things that the new year brings though, it can be easy to not invest time in your relationships. Especially with the cold weather that can keep us indoors and a new surge in covid. Whether you have a significant other or not, these are great winter date ideas for friends and S.O. alike.

At Home Winter Date Ideas

Not all date nights have to be spent going out. Try these fun and cozy at home date ideas to warm up your winter.

Indoor Picnic

This was one of my favorite things to do as a kid, and that still rings true now. I love picnics. I love going to the beach or just in the backyard and setting up a blanket with some food. An indoor picnic is especially fun in winter. A cozy blanket, some fruit (or when I was a kid, my happy meal) dim lights, and even some candles. It’s a ton of fun and makes for a great winter date.

Winter Date ideas

Paint Night

They have these things everywhere and were all the rage in a pre-covid world. Of course there’s a few places that are reopened now but personally I like to stay in. Pick up a $10 canvas kit and a cheap bottle of wine and paint the night away. No art skills needed.

Movie Marathon

Have a favorite movie or tv series? Dedicate a day or evening to watching a marathon of it! Pop some popcorn, grab a blanket, turn off the lights and enjoy a movie (or 2, or 3!) together. Now that I say this, I think it’s time for a Batman marathon.

Winter Date ideas

More Winter Date Ideas

Not in the mood for at home dates? Try these winter date ideas that venture you out of the house (and maybe even out of the state?)

Snow Tubing or Ice Skating

I’ve recently re-fallen in love with snow tubing. Especially when it’s for a limited amount of time and there’s the promise of fondue afterwards. What better winter date than a snow activity like tubing, ice skating, or sledding? Check your area to see where you can do some of these activates. The Central Florida area just opened snow tubing & was quickly shut down after multiple code violations (and lack of covid protocols). Hopefully they can right their wrongs before the season is over but, it’s not looking too good.

Weekend Getaway

Clearly the most exciting idea when it comes to dates. Weekend getaways are my absolute favorite. Whether it’s to visit a friend or just travel to see someplace new, they’re always an adventure. One of my favorite weekend getaways to date was meeting up with Michael in Savannah, GA when we were dating long distance. We might not have done all the “touristy” Savannah things to do, but we had a blast. Book your cheap motel and drive those 7 hours if you must, I promise it’s well worth it. (I’m looking forward to TWO weekend getaways in February. One to see a girlfriend, and one with Michael).

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