Earlier this week I received a snapchat from one of my friends from high school. We keep in touch pretty regularly (especially for me who lacks the daily communication gene!) and he has been a huge supporter of my blog. Which is pretty neat for a guy who is not my betrothed (ok, I’m not betrothed I only have a boyfriend, I just wanted to use a Princess Diaries line) to keep up with a blog that has a lot of woman’s fashion and really no men’s. Anyways, his snap was of his outfit that day and I just thought it was so fall and cozy, you know, something I haven’t gotten to have in a fall outfit yet because I live in Florida. He currently lives in Adirondack, NY so he’s able to wear clothes made for cooler temperatures (and not just 80 degrees). So without further adieu everyone, meet Conor!
Guest Post // Conor Terry
Welcome to Adirondack Chic takeover! While you down South may still be experiencing this weird thing called humidity, up here in New York we have this wonderful season called Autumn. This means fashion takes an amazing seasonal turn for layers, flannels, and sweaters, so why not wear all three at once? A soft sweater can be enough on its own to keep warm and you can easily roll up the sleeves when it’s time to get down to business and rake leaves (something you Floridians probably don’t have to do). For when the Autumn chill rolls through though the L.L. Bean flannel comes on for an added layer of protection and even has a wonderful color scheme that just screams (Halloween pun intended) Fall.
L.L. Bean Flannel // Similar Thermal // Similar Thermal // Similar Jeans