Nike React Legends and the Garmin Fenix 5S

Best Woman’s Workout Gear for 2019

We’re just about a full week into 2019 and I want to keep you on track with your New Year’s Resolutions! One of the most popular resolutions each year is to lose weight and work out more. I think this is a great goal (and one I have made for myself this year as well). I know first hand how low quality workout gear can effect your performance and motivation. Without proper workout clothes you could be hurting yourself more than helping, especially for us women. That’s why I’m sharing some of the best workout gear that I’ve found out there (and don’t worry, it’s tested too!)

High Quality Clothing

Quality is key when it comes to workout gear. I’m not usually a stickler for quality when it comes to clothes, but when it comes to workout clothes, I am. Low quality materials used for running shoes, workout clothing, and gym accessories can leave you with extremely negative side effects and stop you dead in your tracts on the way to your goals.

A couple quick personal examples. I’ve been training for my first marathon (it’s this weekend. I’m a little terrified). Since I had to train on some colder than usual days I resorted to leggings instead of my normal tempo shorts. I grabbed the first pair in my drawer and was off! It took less than 2 miles for me to realize that wearing my $15 leggings was a very bad idea. I could feel the inside seem rubbing against my thigh and was so uncomfortable throughout the rest of my run. Ultimately, it led to some chaffing. Normal for a runner, but had I worn my high quality leggings (the ones I splurged on to run in) it could have been avoided completely.

The same scenario has happened to me and my cheap sports bras. You know what sucks? Chaffing under your armpits. I wouldn’t suggest skimping on shoes either. Low quality shoes will do two things. One, they’ll fall apart quickly. Do you want to buy 3 pairs of shoes that keep falling apart or do you wanna spend a little more on a pair you know will last? Two, you could seriously injure yourself. I’m not talking just blisters, I’m talking fractures, shin splints and so many other possibilities. Save yourself the doctors bill, get high quality gear. It might seem expensive upfront, but in the long run I promise it’ll save you money.

The Best Workout Gear for 2019
Top to Bottom : Nike Swoosh Logo Crop Top // Millennial Pink Nike Sports Bra // Millennial Pink Tempo Shorts // Nike Training Top // Gold Nike Flex Running Shoe // Tropical Running Tank // White Criss Cross Sports Bra // Gray Long Sleeve Running Top // Tropical Tempo Shorts // Black and White Leggings // Black Low Impact Sports Bra // Confetti Leggings // Nike Legend React // Nike Tropical Free Run // Nike Running Armband // Garmin Fenix 5S Plus // Hand Held Water Bottle

Proper Size

Much like the quality of your workout gear, wearing the proper size will save you from discomfort and injury. Wearing clothing that is too big or too small can result in injury, extra soreness, and strains. I’ll again stress this for woman. Improper support from your sports bra can lead to major back problems. I’m not large chested, but I do own sports bras that I’ve outgrown and a far too small. This leads to tension in your neck and back (something I am currently experiencing as I type this). Avoid it at all cost.

If you’ve outgrown or don’t fit into your workout gear anymore, please upgrade it. Likewise for shoes. Knowing what size to get for a certain sport is so so important. I wish I knew when I first started running to size up at least a half size because of the swelling in your feet. I could have avoided about half a dozen blisters and nursing a knee back to full health. Don’t make my mistake, wear the right size!


I know, I know. Those are your favorite shoes, and that’s your first shirt from a race. But the holes in your toes and armpits aren’t helping anyone. I’m all for keeping workout gear with significance, but please don’t wear it. It’s just another thing that could lead to injury.

Nike Reacts


If you couldn’t tell, I’m a Nike addict. But to each their own. I’ve always worn Nike so that’s just what I keep wearing. There are so many Nike Apps to keep me on track with a plan or save me money with coupons. I also invested in a Garmin back in June (it was a birthday present to myself). Above I’ve linked the newest version of my Garmin (I just have the Fenix 5S, not the Fenix 5S Plus) because had I known the plus was coming out, I would have waited a little longer. But oh well.

I love using the Fenix because it covers all my running stats. It tells you more than any Apple Watch, FitBit, or other fitness/smartwatch on the market (when it comes to running that is). I would not recommend this watch for someone who has little to no passion for running. But if you’re looking for a great fitness watch, I would recommend any other Garmin (and don’t worry, most other Garmin’s have a much cheaper price tag). Like I said though, to each their own. I’ll only try to convince you that my brands are better a little bit 😉.

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links, meaning at no additional cost to you I may make a commission if you click through and purchase.
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