This jacquard dress is impeccable. I can not get over how perfect it is. It hugs my body just right and shows off curves I didn’t know I had. Any dress that dress that makes me feel good in my own body I will love. This one does just that (AND it has pockets!)
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Shop the Look: Dress // Headband // Shoes (Get $50 off your 1st pair with code SARAHFLINT-BADANIELLEG)
When I think about how great this jacquard dress makes me feel, I’m a bit shocked. I rented it from Rent the Runway in my usual size, but when it arrived, I could not zip it up all the way. It was far too tight at the waist and there was no way it would zip past it. Even without it zipped fully I loved the way it made me look though. But I was disappointed that I wouldn’t be able to wear it to work. Luckily, it was available in the next size up for my next Rent the Runway order. This was just the amount of wiggle room I needed to zip the dress fully.

Breaking Barriers
Typically when I can’t zip a dress up, or can’t fit in my normal size, I get distraught. We are told by society that if we don’t fit in our normal size, that we need to change to fit it. This is just untrue. Beauty does not have to be pain, and the dress should change to fit you. Never the other way around. These words are easy to type, but when it’s been engrained in your brain to “make it fit” it’s harder to live out. This dress is a great example of showing that, the number doesn’t matter. If a dress makes you feel great you should wear it. I’m so glad I sized up and felt 0 pressure from society to fit into the original dress. It meant I got to wear a bomb dress to the office (that was fully zipped!)

Shop the Look: Dress // Headband // Shoes (Get $50 off your 1st pair with code SARAHFLINT-BADANIELLEG)