This Monday musing is inspired by none other than the stunning Ashley Brooke. I love reading her Monday Morning Musings and after this weekend I felt that I had some musings of my own. I was in my suite mates wedding this weekend and am just so overwhelmed by love. This woman has taught me so much about hard work, perseverance, and how to have fun in the midst of pure chaos. She is so amazing and I am so so happy for her. The wedding took place in Virginia at a country club with the most gorgeous mountain view. There was a slight drizzle the day before and a good amount of fog the morning of, but it ended up being a beautiful 70° and partly cloudy by the time the ceremony started. It was picture perfect like something right out of a fairytale. It just goes to show that when two people are so perfect for each other, even though they may be nervous beforehand, the wedding will turn out just a perfect (even if it had ended up raining).

I was in my old stomping grounds for this wedding so I got to see my other best friends as well. I was particularly excited to see my “bff” from high school that I haven’t seen for a few years. It may have just been lunch, but I love that it’s a friendship where you can just pick up where we left off. I also got to see my friends from college that come to see me every holiday season since we graduated. So what if I saw them just four short months ago. And who cares if the only reason they visit me is because I live in Orlando. I’ll take any opportunity I can get to see them. This weekend I laughed, I cried, I drank too much and slept too little, but it was all worth it to be a part of a stunning wedding and continue to keep lifelong friendships fresh.