Later this week (ok actually, tomorrow), I will be setting sail for a cruise around the Bahamas! While I cannot wait for my first cruise experience as an adult, I can certainly wait on packing for it. This is the story of a girl whose packing regime always leads to a packing dilemma.
Honestly, I’m horrible at packing. I always either over pack or under pack, it’s never just right.
I always start by making a list, even if it’s just a one day trip. I’m just a list person. The initial list starts small, and starts to grow as I review it over and over and over again. What starts as an organized list of what to pack turns into a page of scribbles and squeezing in that last minute item. But hey, a list is a list, and there’s no possible way someone who uses those could be unorganized, right? WRONG! Oh to be a good packer…
Once my list is complete it is on to packing. My problem with this step is, I either start way too early or far too late. In turn, this is what makes me over or under pack. When I start early I just get so excited and add more and more stuff! This excitement ensures I consult my list because every detail has to be perfect! But of course that means I’m spending more time looking in my closet for everything and always thinking “this would make the outfit!” Just like that I’m overpacked!
The other side of the coin is, I’m not excited (or maybe I’m more excited to watch that show on Netflix instead) and I grossly under pack. Whether I chose beauty sleep over packing or I just really couldn’t find the time, packing the day before ends in disaster (I’m talking one pair of panties disaster here people!) When I wait till the last minute that list is none of my concern because it is time to go, go, go. This is the time when my tried and true outfits come out and the necessities may as well be thrown out the window.
I’m in luck for this trip and have been planning for months (which of course means my packing dilemma is I’ve overpacked). I suppose on the scales of over and under packing, I’d rather overpack every time.
On a side note, I’m in love with this suitcase! I got it on sale during Memorial Day and am finally getting to use it! You can find it here (the best sales I’ve found for luggage are around March, Memorial Day, and sometimes even July!) Should I do a full post on this beauty and the travel works? Let me know! Bon Voyage y’all!