Swimsuit summer essentials for the beach flat lay

2019 Summer Swimsuit Guide

I feel like it has been ages since last summer. It’s hard to believe that about a year ago I was getting all my “basics” together to start Central Florida Chic. One of my first post was about summer essentials. I’ll tell you something, I’ve learned so much since that post but I also know I’ve learned little to nothing compared to those who blog for a living or who have blogged for years. So as a little throw back (mostly for myself) I’m putting together a 2019 summer swimsuit guide. I’ll talk about just a few of the swim suit trends I’m loving this season like, stripes, mesh cutouts, high waist, ruffles, and so much more.

2019 Summer Swimsuit Guide

Striped Swimsuits

There’s something about the classic stripe that just works so well with swimsuits. Whether it’s a bold thick stripe on a one piece, thin seersucker on a bikini, or a combination of thick and thin stripes, you just can’t go wrong with a striped swimsuit.

Mesh Cut-Out Swimsuits

Something I have recently grown to love are crochet and mesh swimsuits. There’s just something so intricate and pretty about them that I can’t get over. One of my personal favorite suits is a crochet one piece from Becca swim that I got a year or so ago. I know some people feel that these can look more like lingerie than a swimsuit but frankly, I know you can rock some lingerie too.

High Waisted Bikinis

I have always loved high waisted bikinis. But truth be told, in all my years or swimsuit wearing, I’ve never bought a high waisted bikini until now! I bought one from SheIn recently and am just head over heels for it. Everyone can pull off a high waisted bikini. It is so retro and I absolutely love them.

Ruffled Swimsuits

Another thing I’m a total sucker for, a good ruffle. One of my other all time favorite suits is this ruffled polka dot bikini I got from Forever 21 last year. I’m happy to say there are so many similar ones on the market, including one below. I hope these ruffle your feathers.

Scalloped Swimsuits

Another feminine detail that can add the perfect amount of flair to a swimsuit are scallops. The perfect edge to a swimsuit or any clothing item really is a scallop. It easily takes a swimsuit from boring to fab.

Gingham Swimsuits

Need I say anymore? We all know gingham always seems to be in and it’s one of my favorite prints in the world. So much so that I may have gone a little overboard with the gingham picks but, oh well. The more the merrier!

I tried to keep the majority of these swimsuits at reasonable prices because I personally don’t like spending a ton of money on swimwear. However, if you find one that you really like and will keep for ages, I recommend getting it. It can be hard to find swimsuits that you like so you should always jump at the opportunity if you find one you love.

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