
3 New Years Eve Outfit Ideas

Who is ready to ring in the New Year?! Goodbye 2019, hello 2020! This is the time of year that I pull out the flashiest, shiniest, most absurd dresses that I own. I feel like I can’t wear a sequin covered dress every day of the year (no matter how much I want to). However, during the holiday season, especially during New Years, I wear as much bling as I can. I’m sharing 3 sequin covered dresses that make for the perfect New Years Eve outfit every year. Now is the time to pull out those flapper dresses as we say goodbye to another decade and hello to the new roaring 20’s.

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3 Dresses Perfect for your New Years Eve Outfit

Little Black Dress

Let’s start slow. This black sequined dress is a classic. It’s not too sassy or over the top but perfect for a classy evening out. It’s my go to for church functions during this season. The modest cut keeps from turning heads for the wrong reasons, but the sequins are sure to make you shine.

Shimmer & Shine

Without a doubt this dress from Free People is one of my favorite TJ Maxx finds ever. It even tops some of my Lilly Pulitzer finds (who would have thought?!) Again, it’s one of those dresses that I can’t wear to a lot of places. Or maybe it’s that I don’t go places that I can wear it? Whatever it is, now is the time to wear it. Maybe I’ll find another occasion or two that I can wear it other than New Years.

Ruffle Your Sequins?

I was going to share a dress that was in my prom dress guide, but then I went shopping at TJ Maxx again. (Go figure). This is yet another Free People dress. Clearly they just do sequins rights. While buying this dress at TJ Maxx wasn’t the best deal I could find, it was the most solid. I found some on Poshmark, Amazon, and even Walmart. But I was questioning the arrival time and authenticity of it for the price. I also found it on ASOS, which I trust more. On ASOS it was way more than what TJ Maxx had it for though, and again, shipping time was questionable. I’ve linked a ton of options for this dress though below (colors & prices vary). Something Free People does very well is providing a ton of color options and having a lasting stock. You’ll likely be able to find this dress and the previous dress for at least a few more months, if not more.

I’ve decided this is the dress I’ll be wearing for New Years this year so stay tuned for pictures from my night!

More Dresses for a New Years Eve Outfit

Since it is a new decade (and the start of a new roaring 20’s) I wanted to share even more options for New Years Eve outfits. I just wouldn’t feel right without sharing a few more sparkly dresses to kick off the New Year.

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