UPDATE: In light of all the craziness that life can bring, I’ve made some recent updates to this post. If you find yourself staying in doors for extended periods of time I hope you find joy in daily clean-outs. Keep scrolling for an easy to use flow chart!
Now that the New Year is finally here you may be looking to get your life in order. One way to do so is by cleaning out your closet. This comes easy to some people but I am not one of those people. I still have clothes from when I was in 8th grade in my closet. (Granted, I also still wear those clothes so it’s not as bad as it sounds). A closet clean out is something I really struggle with. So, I wanted to share some tips to get it done fast and easily! My life goal would be to create a capsule wardrobe. But that’s going to take a handful more purges first.
Steps to A Closet Clean Out
- Does it Fit? There’s really no point in keeping something if it doesn’t fit. I’ll be the first to admit that it can be very difficult to get rid of an item when it doesn’t fit. But it’s just adding clutter to your closet if you keep it. I had one of my favorite work dresses up until about a year ago. There was just no way my butt would be able to fit in it anymore. It’s a fact of growing up, not growing bigger.
- Have You Worn it in the Past Year? Guilty as charged…there is so many items in my closet that haven’t seen daylight in so long. It really shouldn’t be that hard to get rid of these items, especially when you’ve forgotten they’re even there!
- Is it Up to Par? There’s no use keeping socks with holes in them or shirts with tears. If it’s losing it’s luster, it’s probably time to let it go.
- Do You Have Similar Items? I’m all for the same pair of pants in 3 different colors, but anymore than that is pushing the limit. If you have more than 3 items that are all similar, pick your favorite and get rid of the rest.
- Is it sentimental? If it has some sentimental meaning and there’s no other item or souvenir to remember it by then it’s probably ok to keep. But if you can do without it, go ahead and get rid of it.

What To Do With The Items You’re Parting With
So you’ve decided to get rid of a few things in the process of your closet clean out. Good for you! What are you supposed to do with them now? They shouldn’t just sit in your favorite clutter area (a.k.a my spare bed). I have a few options for you, and some of them can help you bring in a few extra bucks.
- Sell on Poshmark: This is one of my favorite ways to get rid of unwanted clothing items. It’s free, easy to use, and can go with you anywhere! The only downside to selling on Poshmark is that you do have to keep the items until they sell. Because of this, I like to set a time limit. I give myself 2-3 months to sell items on Poshmark before moving on to other options. Check out my full guide to buying and selling on Poshmark here.
- Sell to your Local Platos Closet, Style Encore, or Consignment Shop: This is a quick easy way to make a couple of dollars with your unwanted items. My favorite local consignment in Orlando is Avalon Exchange in Winter Park, FL. They have a system as easy to use as Platos Closet and Style Encore so it is super simple. *Note: With current world events please check to see if these stores are open.
- Donate to Goodwill or a Friend: After I’ve exhausted all my other money making endeavors, I take the clothes to Goodwill. There’s no need to have a pile of clothes take up space in your house. Give yourself a time limit for when they should be out of your house forever.
I hope this helps you kick start your closet cleaning journey! Below I’ve included some of my own Poshmark sales so you guys can see just how well everything can sell!

Kelly at Twentysomething Vision
These are such great tips! What a great way to start off the year. I like the chart – it’s really helpful! I am guilty of keeping things for many years for sentimental reasons or because I think I will finally wear it. I love Poshmark! I’ve bought more than sold LOL but I always find old items I can’t find anywhere else, like a pair of heels I bought at Payless at least 4 years ago that are now worn and scuffed – found the same pair, nearly brand new, this year on Poshmark. 😀 I mainly take my items to Goodwill because I don’t like waiting, and I want to get rid of the clothes ASAP! But it’s good to know about the other options to sell the clothes too.
I’m totally guilty of buying more than I’ve sold on Poshmark! And I shop it for the same reason too! When one of my favorite clothing items become worn that is my first stop to find it again!