Drive Me Crazy Cookie Mural at Dough in Tampa, FL
Where Wednesday

Datz Dough – Best Food in Tampa, FL

On a trip to St. Petersburg for a Red Sox game, I took a quick detour to Tampa. In one of my many Instagram scrollings, I found a bakery called Dough. Dough is the sister restaurant of a local favorite, Datz, which serves all your foodie favorites. Dough serves everything from doughnuts to beautiful cakes and coffee. Datz Dough is the combined of the two, as the buildings are interconnected. Since the baseball game was in the afternoon I figured why not stop for some sweet treats for breakfast? From all the  I  great things I read when looking into Dough more, I knew it would not disappoint.

Datz in Tampa

Dough’s theme is very Alice in Wonderland-esque (a personal favorite). The ceiling is painted with clouds, the walls with fun colored stripes are all any Wonderland girl could ever ask for. With so much color and excitement I was anxious to start eating! Though Datz Dough got a lot of foot traffic that day, it seems most people opt to take their food to go. Which was just fine with me, it gave me a better opportunity to take it all in.

Dough in Tampa

Datz Dough – Nuts

While I wanted one of everything on the menu I restrained and only bought 5 donuts and a chai tea latte. Don’t worry, don’t worry, I only ate 3 donuts that morning. (I had to leave some room for a hot dog and cracker jacks later at the baseball game). My favorite donut was the Key Lime Pie Donut. It was the perfect combination of tangy and sweet. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. To put the cherry on top of Dough’s cherry pie donut, the prices aren’t all that outrageous for a specialty bakery shop. I left without any guilt (for eating or spending)! Sprinkle some sugar on that!

Best bakery and sweets shop in Tampa!

Doughnuts at Dough/Datz in Tampa
Doughnuts at Dough/Datz in Tampa
Specialty Cakes in Tampa
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