HAPPY HALLOWEEN Y’ALL!!! I can’t even remember the last time Halloween was on a Saturday. (Apparently it was when I was in college so we see how well I remembered that…). But I bet as a kid, Halloween on a Saturday was pure torture. Having to wait all day to get candy is bad enough. But at least if you were at school you would have something to distract you. As an adult though, Halloween on a Saturday sounds like heaven. Pull out the pumpkin spice, the Halloween movies, and heck might as well start on the boo’s around noon. This year I’m extra excited to celebrate Halloween! Not only to I (finally) have my own place to celebrate one of my favorite holiday’s, but one of my best friends in the entire world is here to visit too! Take a walk with us this Halloweekend to see what we’ve done already and plan to do!

Halloweekend Plans
So Rana got in yesterday and as soon as I picked her up we headed over to Disney Springs to try their absolutely delicious treats for Halloween. Disney released this menu early in September and I’ve been drooling to try everything ever since. With the exception of the few parks I went to during spooky season, I hadn’t had the chance to try many of their treats (especially without Mickey’s Not so Scary). Rana and I tried to get as many different drinks & treats without draining our wallets or cramming our stomachs. Especially because we had something special planned for last night…

S’mores at the beach! Here’s the thing you should know about Rana. She’s da bomb dot com at supporting people. So when she decided to come down she wanted to help with things for the blog. What’s more blogger-ific than a s’mores beach date?! NOTHING. So we set out for the perfect date. With me and Rana of course. Michael doesn’t even like s’mores.

Happy Halloween Witches!
Few, now that you’re all caught up we can get into what we plan on doing today to make it the best Halloween together yet! Today calls for sweet eating and movie watching. Which of course meant having my moms homemade cinnamon rolls (they taste just like Cinnabon. Thanks mom for making them!) and some homemade pumpkin spice lattes. In Halloween mugs of course! Rana and I have since plopped ourselves on the couch and are watching Halloween movies. Grab your spooky socks and join in!