Kate Spade Phone Packaging

iPhone Cases

This 4th of July I started my day with a quick run in some festive red, white, and blue running gear. What I was really after was a Nike+ Running award for running on the 4th (their awards are really great motivators, obviously). Since I was just going out for a short run, I ran with my phone in my hand. Of course, the inevitable happened right as I was finishing the last steps towards home. I dropped my phone. After 3 and a half years of my iPhone 6 being relatively unscratched, my luck had run out and my phone screen was shattered. 

Cracked iPhone

The damage was pretty bad and I have been picking some glass out of my fingers the past couple of days. My phone is “old” to many standards (my dad keeps trying to convince me to upgrade and I say no way! If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it…ok well…) My phone case is just as old and has taken a lot of abuse from many drops. But it’s ok, it’s all all right. The nice people at the Apple store fixed my screen right up yesterday. I no longer have any small shards of glass poking me. And I have gotten a new case. Now since my phone is an older model it can be pretty hard to find cases that fit it. This is why I love TJ Maxx for phone cases, not only do they have cases that fit older models but they also have them for way cheaper. This is the one I picked up (my pictures aren’t that great so I included a stock photo for you all as well). It was originally $50 and I scored it for $10! How could you go wrong?!

iphone kate spade

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leather iphone case

kate spade packaging

I’m not going to lie though, I browsed Kate Spade while they were fixing my screen and I so wish one of these cases below fit my phone because they are soooooo cute. Maybe some day soon (ok let’s be real, probably not) I’ll upgrade my phone and get another perfect case. Until then I hope you all can enjoy the ultimate cuteness in a case!

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