
Smocked Dress from Gal Meets Glam

Summer is sadly coming to a close for many. Though that’s not necessarily true for Floridians, I do like to stay up with the times for everywhere else. Which means it’s time to start packing up summer, and unpacking fall. However, a smocked dress has become a staple of all seasons over the past couple of years. This smocked dress from Gal Meets Glam may not be the perfect one for fall. But with the right color and pattern, smocked dresses are a fall staple.

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smocked dress

What makes smocked dresses so appealing is their comfort. They aren’t stiff, heavy, or constricting. In fact, smocking it quite liberating (especially when eating Chipotle). You’ve probably seen a smocked dress throughout the summer in varying styles. From sleeveless to the ever famous Hill House Nap Dress. Smocking may have become popular during quarantine, but it’s not going anywhere anytime soon.

smocked dress
smocked dress
smocked dress

Smocked Dress for Transitioning to Fall

I’d love to get my hands on a smocked dress in an army green or burgundy red for fall. Even black would work great as a fall transition dress. As days can still be quite hot in September a dress is a great option. And as it get’s chillier in the morning or evening you can easily add a denim jacket over them to keep away the cold. Even further into fall I can see it styled with some cute booties and a felt hat. (Would you look at that, now I’m all excited for something I still have months to get to!) But for now, this floral print will sustain me through the end of summer in Florida. (AKA, December). Below are a few of my favorites that can be worn in summer as well as in the fall! Can’t wait to get my hands on a new one soon. (Probably also rented from Nuuly).

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