Radford was not my first choice for school, in fact it was never even on my list, but because of financial reasons I was left with only one option. That option was Radford University and I enrolled just 3 days prior to the start of the semester. I was determined to transfer out of Radford after my first semester. That did not happen because of some amazing people that I met…(a few of them pictured below). I would like to say “the rest is history”, but there are a few more notable moments in my time at Radford.
Not everyone is in love with their college academic journey for many reasons. I am not one of those. I loved every moment of my academic career. This was probably due to me picking a major that I was passionate about and having professors within that major that were eager to see me succeed. The support system that was established my freshman year stayed firm throughout all four years and has continued to after graduating. With this support system and picking, what I would say, my perfect major, I always felt that Radford was exactly where I was supposed to be.
It wasn’t until my senior year until I started to feel like I hadn’t done everything in college that I could have. A lot of people will tell you that at this point, it’s too late. A quick note about people that tell you this, you don’t need them in your life. It is never too late to do anything, and in college that is especially true. Ever since my freshman year I was interested in greek life, but for whatever reason I never pursued it. Senior year rolled around, recruitment came and went, and I still didn’t pursue that opportunity. Cue this beautiful lady named Rana, who pushed me to get out of my comfort zone and meet with her sisters. Based on pervious post, I’m sure y’all can determine what happened after that. And now folks, the rest is history.