You know that old saying, “good things come to those who wait”? Well you should know that it applies to clothes too. Wait for the sale, wait for the right size to come in, wait for that discount code. What’s especially great about waiting for clothes is that if you’ve waited and you still love it, you’ll know it was worth the buy. Now, I don’t always wait for things, but lately when I have it has had amazing returns. Take for instance this romper. It’s from an H&M season that was FOUR YEARS AGO (that’s a long time to wait, alright?) I tried it on then in a size that was too small for me, but I could still manage to squeeze into it. I fell in love with the print. I fell in love with the way it looked. But I didn’t love the lack of breathing I was doing in it. So I waited. I waited all summer waiting for them to restock my size, I looked online, I shopped other H&M stores, I did everything I could think of so this romper would just be mine. And then the season ended, the romper was sold out, and I was left romper-less. Fast forward 4 years as I’m shopping at one of my favorite resale stores, Style Encore, and I spot this pattern. It is the romper guys, the one I’ve now waited so many years for! I’m telling you this was 100% worth the wait and I’m in tropical paradise every time I look, wear, or even just think about this romper. Check out my jungle adventures in it below!

Similar Romper // Similar Sandals // Similar Bracelet // Pineapple Charm // 13.1 Charm // Flamingo Charm // Necklace